About Me.

I am an Assistant Professor of Biostatistics at Brown University interested in algorithms, optimization, data science, and education. My research has focused on the design and analysis of optimization algorithms underlying machine learning with recent applications to clustering, variable selection, risk models, and bike-share or other shared mobility systems. I also enjoy thinking about predictive analytics: how data informs our future decisions.

Prior to joining Brown, I was an Assistant Professor of Applied Math and Computer Science at Olin College of Engineering. Before that, I was a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Data Science Initiative at Brown University, advised by Professor Pedro Felzenszwalb. I completed my PhD in the Department of Operations Research and Information Engineering at Cornell University, advised by Professor David Williamson, and I received my Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from Harvey Mudd College, where my undergraduate thesis adviser was Professor Susan Martonosi.

Research Opportunities: I am currently looking for students with a background in optimization, operations resarch, or prescriptive analytics for Summer 2025! The Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) is the primary transit service within Rhode Island. The planning, scheduling, and data analysis teams within RIPTA use past ridership data to drive future operational decisions. This project will use this data to help support RIPTA's mission of providing reliable and cost-effective service across the community by developing a data-driven way to maximize service under resource constraints. A key objective will also be to make this decision-making tool transparent and explainable to the public. This work is supported by a DSI Seed Grant.

If you are a current student at Brown and are interested in thesis or research opportunities, please email with a CV and your coursework in statistics, applied math, and computer science.

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