Mastering Health Data Science Using R


Alice Paul




This book serves as an interactive introduction to R for public health and health data science students. Topics include data structures in R, exploratory analysis, distributions, hypothesis testing, and regression analysis. The presentation assumes knowledge with the underlying methodology and focuses instead on how to use R to implement your analysis.

This book is written using Quarto Book. You can download the Quarto files used to generate this book or a corresponding Jupyter notebook from the github repository. The github repository also contains a few cheat sheets including a pdf containing all functions shown in this book.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International CC BY 4.0.


This book was written with the support of a Data Science Institute Seed Grant. Thanks to students Jialin Liu, Joanna Walsh, and Xinbei Yu for their help and feedback. Please contact Dr. Paul ( with questions, suggested edits, or feedback.